We believe that each child is a precious gift from God with unique and special qualities. Our major emphasis at Shiloh Baptist Church Child Care Center is to help children discover their God-given qualities while sharing His love and forgiveness with them. We believe that children learn best in an interactive, “hands-on” environment where they can discover the world around them at their own level of development. Since children need to feel secure before they will begin to explore their environment, we will give them love and respect, and help them to learn how to interact with adults and peers. The activities we provide will give them many opportunities to develop their cognitive, social, emotional, physical and spiritual growth. An early childhood setting should: provide children with a literacy and language-rich environment, build positive self-esteem, promote good relationships with others, develop school readiness, and enhance development.
We feel that play is the most important aspect of young children’s lives…it is essential to their well-being and development. New concepts, new skills and new understanding come to children through play. In play, children learn to formulate and organize ideas and to become more flexible in problem solving. Children’s attention spans begin to lengthen when they play. Their imaginations can take them anywhere they want to go. Their senses can help them to see God’s creation in fascinating new ways. During play, children learn to communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs to others. Children’s “work” is play…that is how they prepare for the future.